Choose to Feel Great in 2015!

· December 31, 2014 Like
true rest aj
In this season of fresh starts and a brand new year, most of us—whether or not we intend to—have resolutions on the mind.
Those changes or shifts we implement into our lives can help make this the best year yet.
Its no surprise that these changes often gear towards increased wellness and taking care of our bodies and minds. I don’t think its any stretch to say: we each want to feel happy and healthy, inside and out.
Often our eager goals for the fresh year are all about reaching, climbing, striving— rarely do they include their necessary complements: releasing, relaxing and just being.
Especially following the unavoidable stress and hustle bustle of the holiday season, truly hitting the “Reset” button is in order. Deep relaxation is incredibly restorative, and a float can provide the deepest relaxation available!
For all of the goals and achievements we are striving for this year, we can do ourselves a favor by acknowledging both sides of our wellbeing— the busy activeness and the relaxing passivity.
What goes up must come down; what we hold onto must be let go of—relaxation isn’t a luxury, it’s an important piece of the puzzle. We can choose to relax, restore and release our accumulated stresses, or eventually come crashing down when we inevitably burn out!
How would this year be if we chose to make a simple commitment: to do more of what makes us feel great—not just on the surface, but through and through. If we chose to put our own wellbeing in the forefront, realizing that by being better to ourselves we are better to the world.
It’s no secret many resolutions seem to quickly fall flat—despite our good intentions. In the transitions of any shifts we will certainly encounter days that feel lackluster and lousy.
The 60 minutes you spend in a Float Pod can provide you the space and peace from which to see a higher perspective—to calm down on every level and return feeling more in tune to yourself and the intention behind your goals.
Let’s not forget that floating is great for you, while feeling amazing, too. No struggle here—floating is completely effortless; like being supported on a silky, warm cloud. There’s nothing to be done, no phone to answer, no one to impress—you can let go. Its s a little taste of total freedom.
This year, how about making all aspects of your wellness a priority, with a resolution to have more REST?
Whether it’s your only resolution, or a complement to others, we can all benefit from the wonderfully therapeutic therapy offered by floating.
True REST stands out as a resolution: it isn’t about achieving or gaining—in fact, it’s mostly a “losing” game. Losing tension, stress and anxiety—lessening pain and overwhelm. What remains? More space for the good stuff—and that feels great.